Starting the new year off with legislation aimed directly at the pockets of corporate taxpayers, New York has issued a legislative proposal to nearly cut in half corporate taxpayersâ available GILTI exemptions, and at the same time almost double the top corporate franchise tax rate. Senate Bill 953 (âSB953â), pre-filed in the state senate on January 8, 2025, has the potential to significantly increase New York franchise tax exposure for corporations doing business in the…
In Siemens USA Holdings Inc. v. Geisenberger, No. 20-2991 (3d Cir. 2021), the Third Circuit found that the District Court erred (1) in holding that Siemensâ preemption claim was unripe, and (2) in denying Siemensâ motion for a preliminary injunction. Both the question of ripeness and the injunction request related to whether the escheat priority rules preempted certain audit procedures, as opposed to the validity of an assessment. Specifically, Siemens brought the lawsuit claiming, among…
On Monday, July 27, the Senate Finance Committee released draft legislative provisions (âCOVID-19 Billâ) regarding the next iteration of Coronavirus relief. Somewhat surprisingly, the provisions include the Remote and Mobile Worker Relief Act of 2020, which was introduced earlier this year as S. 3995 by Sens. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and Jon Thune (R-SD). S. 3995 appears to be based on S. 604, the Mobile Workforce State Income Tax Simplification Act (âMobile Workforce Actâ), which was…
Numerous states have provided tax relief in response to the COVID-19 outbreak, often in the form of tax filing and payment deadline extensions. At this time, 41 states and Washington, D.C. have provided a corporate income tax filing and/or payment deadline extension. Most recently, Florida extended its May 1, 2020 corporate income tax deadlines to August 3, 2020 for filing and June 1, 2020 for payment. Since the payment deadline is sooner than the filing deadline, the Florida Department of Revenue advised corporate taxpayers to submit payments based on their best estimate of the tax that would be due with the return. Some states have also extended income tax deadlines for partnerships and other business entities and many states have extended individual income tax deadlines.