
North Carolina


Starting the new year off with legislation aimed directly at the pockets of corporate taxpayers, New York has issued a legislative proposal to nearly cut in half corporate taxpayers’ available GILTI exemptions, and at the same time almost double the top corporate franchise tax rate. Senate Bill 953 (“SB953”), pre-filed in the state senate on January 8, 2025, has the potential to significantly increase New York franchise tax exposure for corporations doing business in the…

A new lawsuit filed by Wayfair, LLC in Jefferson County Court (Colorado) seeks to address a question left open by the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark 2018 Wayfair decision that permits states to impose a sales or use tax collection obligation based on an economic nexus threshold:  Does this decision apply to locally-administered sales or use taxes?  While many localities have asserted that the same economic nexus standards should apply at the state and local levels,…

The Multistate Tax Commission (“MTC”) is set to revamp its transfer pricing collaboration and enforcement initiatives following the first public meeting of its State Intercompany Transactions Advisory Service (“SITAS”) Committee in over four years.  At the end of last year, the SITAS Committee appointed its new Chair- Krystal Bolton, who is also an assistant director at the Louisiana Department of Revenue’s field audit income tax division.  On March 23rd, Ms. Bolton hosted representatives from state revenue agencies, practitioners, taxpayers, and other members of the public in a virtual conference to overview the history of the SITAS Committee and to present the results of a multistate survey regarding intercompany transactions and transfer pricing.   Â